Class of 2022 Senior “Wills”

I, Annabelle Bowman, will my soul to Alyssa Scherer.


I, Robert H. Howell, will the window seat in between the second and third floor, located in the stairwell between the foreign language hall and library hall, to Tommie Kates.


I, Kalyn (Kevin) Hubbard, will my friendship, laughter, and time to Trinity Morgan, Besan Naser, and Lea Hayes.


I, Morgan Elliff, will my spot under the mic table to Sofia Price.


I, Nathan Eichholz, will my spot in choir to Jeremiah Eichholz.


I, Joshua McWhorter, will seat N 101 in the PAC to Madison Gaynor.


I, Melissa Hagarty, will the tradition of asking theater kids where they got their shirt from and responding with how they got it at a fast food place, store, etc, not the actual theater department, to Ronald Anderson Bay.


I, Audrey, will the “headphone legacy” to Hailey Poppe.


I, Jenna Heidbreder, will the Soundboard to Alexis Sheldon.


I, Alyssa Hafford, will my woohoo crystal queer energy and love for everyone to Lani Schwoebel and Ms. Eliza Kammann.


I, Diego Reed, will my coolness and confidence and public speaking abilites and all my play scripts to Brockton Becker and Wini James (they can share but Wini gets my confidence).


I, Michael Hurdle, will a big cheeseburger to Violet Hurdle.


I, Sarah Hauser, will Marcy Parks to Ava Combs.


I, Noah Campbell, will my everlasting distain and a side of elderich horror and world ending prophecies to Billy Henrichs.


I, Kobey Mojzis, will being the light and energy of Belleville West to Wini James.


I, Julia Koziatek, will good luck and good reporting to the 22-23 staff of Hy News!


I, Willisha Williams, will that you don’t give up, even when it feels like you’re stuck in a place where you can’t come back from. Keep going, it always comes together in the end, life gets better.


Good luck, Class of ’22!