The January Student and Staff of the Month

Sadie Kruchten, Feature Reporter

Belleville West is filled with students constantly doing good deeds, and upholding the Maroon Way. Each month four students and one staff member are recognized for their virtuous character.

Sadie Kruchten
Senior Taylor Kelly

“This is my first time getting Student of the Month,” said Senior Taylor Kelly. 

Sadie Kruchten
Sophomore Kaitlyn Wells


Each month a new student is recognized which allows for each student to get the spotlight for their actions. A person can receive Student of the Month by being nominated by a staff member that believes they are deserving of the award.

 “I believe the nurses nominated me,” sophomore Kaitlyn Wells said.

Not only do students receive this title, but so does one staff member. This month it was Ms. Anna Kurtz. “I think I got chosen to be Staff of the Month because of the way I prioritized by students throughout the semester,” said Ms. Kurtz.

Sadie Kruchten
English teacher Anna Kurtz

Along with claiming the title of Student or Staff of the Month, the recipients also get benefits. 

Taylor Kelly said, “I think I get a parking spot and a hoodie.”

The benefits for teachers are similar. “ I get lunch, Staff of the Month parking, and a bag of goodies,” said Ms. Kurtz. 

Student and Staff of the Month is a great way for students and staff alike to be given the recognition they deserve for being a Maroon through and through.