Students Dance the Night Away at Homecoming

Gabby McWhorter, News Reporter

The absence of balloons was not the only thing that made Saturday night special: Homecoming 2019 was nothing short of a night to remember. This year’s annual dance, as per usual, featured a DJ, cookies, and the coronation of Miss Maroon.

However, a few changes made this year’s Homecoming dance unique compared to years prior. Possibly the most notable change was the DJ stage’s position. This year, the stage was not in front of the snack

Emma Koontz

bar, but instead it sat against the wall, opening up the floor space.

“I think it made the dance better by spreading out the dance floor,” junior Duncan Carnahan said. 

There was also a noticeable difference in the lighting.

“The lights were not as flashy, which made it better,” sophomore Kayleigh Kreher said. 

Similarly, there were a few things that could be improved upon for next year’s Homecoming dance. 

“My least favorite thing about the dance would have to be the music,” Carnahan said. “I feel that it was subpar compared to the playlists of previous years.”

Students also believed the refreshments could use some sprucing up

“More decorations and provide different snacks,” senior Shequia Barker said

The Miss Maroon coronation is a staple of the Belleville West Homecoming dance. There were six Miss Maroon contenders, with Miss Layah McDonald taking the crown. 

“It was a well deserved win based on all the extracurriculars she was involved in,” sophomore Austin Mertens said.

Layah McDonald
Senior Layah McDonald crowned as Miss Maroon.

Ultimately, it is the students that make Homecoming memorable.

“My favorite thing was dancing to the music with my friends,” Kreher said. 

Many students had the same reason for attending the Homecoming dance: hanging out with their friends.

“I attended because my friends were going,” Kreher said.

However, there was a sense of nostalgia among Seniors, who would be celebrating their last Homecoming at Belleville West, that encouraged them to attend. 

“I attended the dance because it was my last year and I wanted to make memories,” Barker said.

All in all, the night was enjoyed by many students and surely will be in years to come.

“I enjoyed the dance. It was fun and gave me a reason to dress fancy and go out,” Carnahan said.